
We are First National Iluka


First National Real Estate is not like your typical agent. We are a group of independent locally owned agencies tied together as part of the biggest cooperative in the country.  We operate under the one “First National’ banner and help our fellow members through our established network dating back some 43 years  from our inception in country Victoria. Being independent we don’t get told what to do by a franchise head office, we can spend our precious time doing what’s best for our clients and communities and acting in their best interest… putting YOU first.

First National Iluka holds this principle dear, and with Lauren Ford now driving the business alongside fellow directors Richard Hunt and David Lovell, takes pride in providing help and innovative solutions, allowing our clients the best possible outcomes and always with the highest professional standards, principles and honesty. 

So whether you’re looking to buy or sell, rent or let, lease commercial, industrial or storage, or simply enjoy a fantastic Iluka holiday in our special community and its beautiful natural surrounds. Our professional team is always available, and ready to help in whatever way possible.

For our holiday accommodation services, please visit www.fnholidays.com.au


First National Iluka Woombah

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